Personal Law Services
Real Estate
OPUS Legal Services specializes in all areas of real estate law. These include tenant law, faults in construction, estates, planning and construction matters.
Family law
When individuals seek legal aid concerning family matters, it is particularly important that they have access to an attorney who works in full confidentiality and represents their interest in every way.
Tort and compensation
OPUS Legal Services are one of the leading law firms in Iceland in the field of tort and compensation. Our attorneys have extensive experience and expertise in this area. Our attorneys assist those involved in injury to achieve their rights.
Criminal Law
Criminal cases can have severe effects on the life of defendants and their family. According to the Icelandic criminal code, those who are accused of criminal conduct have an unconditional right to defend themselves with the assistance of an attorney. This applies during the course of the investigation and before the court. We possess in depth knowledge and experience in the field of defense.
Financial restructuring
At OPUS Legal Servies we have attorneys that are specialized in matters related to difficulties in personal finances as a result of the banking crisis.